Onenote project management
Onenote project management

onenote project management

Regularly reviewing your dashboard keeps it relevant and keeps projects on track. Luckily, cutting and pasting groups of pages is quick and easy. The longer a project goes on, the more work it takes to reorganize your work.

onenote project management

The only cost is the time it takes to rearrange your pages. Since OneNote is so flexible, you are free to change your organizational method at any time.

  • Concept > Prototype > Pre-Production > Production > Cancelled > Obsolete.
  • Suggested > Accepted > In Progress > Completed > Cancelled.
  • The way task pages are grouped in sections should reflect your projects and can be different for every project. Move task pages to the next section as they reach milestones, are completed, killed, or placed on hold. Use sections like a Kanban board, ensuring that nothing falls off your radar. Another page can be created under the dashboard page as an archive of closed tasks if need be. The project lead can maintain the dashboard and keep relevant information updated as needed. Every team member can keep their task pages up-to-date and follow the progress of other tasks in the project. You can keep an overall dashboard for the project and group the tasks in a logical manner. Now paste that link into your project dashboard for easy access. Right-click the task page and select Copy Link to Page. The key to a useful dashboard is linking to your pages.

    Onenote project management