Age of wonders 3 rogue build
Age of wonders 3 rogue build

age of wonders 3 rogue build

Halfling Rogue Keeper - Master Morale Manipulator - It's able to completely undo an entire empire without actually fighting a single battle with its myriad of heavy city morale debuffs. (I like Draconian, but it works quite well with any race.) Shadowborn Theocrat - Conceptually semi-oxymoronic, but it works really well together - Strong, cheap, Lifestealing Crusaders that are hard to take down and are made even stronger with powerful Support units backing them up. (Experimenting with Grey Guard for even more everything-slaying) I prefer to use monster hunter stacks for raiding/interdiction/undead hunting. Obviously Manticores with Pounce is a thing, but it feels kind of lame to spam them. Phalanx with Sun Shields are really tough to take down and hit quite hard as well(and benefit from a number of good site upgrades) I combine them with Mystics for late-game stacks. Tigran Warlord - Lots of great unit usefulness - Berserkers with Pounce are great at getting deep in enemy lines, and work really well in tandem with shredders in large numbers.

age of wonders 3 rogue build

I don't know if I have a single favorite at this point, but I have been chipping away and refining some of my favorites.

Age of wonders 3 rogue build